
Sunday, May 26, 2019

Backache / Back Pain

What is Backache / Back Pain
Lower back pain or back ache is felt in the back of the person, in the spinal region. The pain can arise from the muscles of the back. The nerve supply of the back could be affected. Bones and joints on any part of structure of the spine with a problem can cause back pain. The pain can occur in the neck region, upper back, middle back, and lower back, also known as the tail bone. These are the anatomical divisions of the body. The pain can also be associated with tingling, numbing and the sensation of weakness. There are multiple causes of back aches, including spinal disc herniation, inflammatory diseases, fractures, infections, cancer, trauma, spinal stenosis, isthmic spondylolisthesis and osteoarthritis. 

Symptoms of Backache / Back Pain
There are several symptoms associated with back pain / backache. These symptoms are severe pain in the abdominal region, experiencing weight loss, the cause of which is not known, pain that radiates downward towards both legs along with numbness, and pain that tends to worsen due to sneezing or coughing, as these actions increase the pressure and give a jerk to the spine. In addition, the feeling of stiffness and consecutive pain can also be felt in the hips, neck and the spine. While lifting heavy objects, people can feel a sharp pain in the back or the neck or both. Some patients also feel pain while trying to pass urine and having a bowel movement due to the posture of the body. As the pain is severe, patients tend lose control over their defecation and urination. Along with complaint of pain, a few patients complain about chills and fever. The sleep of the patient is disturbed as they tend to wake up from pain. 

Causes of Backache / Back Pain
There are several causes for the development of Backache / Back pain. These causes include bad posture of a person. People who do not do exercise also develop pain in the back. The tension in the muscles also cause backache. Any trauma or accident can also cause pain.  People who sit for long times at a stretch can develop backache too. Wearing heels that are high also cause back ache. At times, emotional stress becomes the cause of the pain. Bad posture while lifting objects or weights cause back pain. People who do not have a balanced diet and have bad nutrition also tend to experience back pain.  Arthritis and female-related disorders can also cause back pain. 

Risk factors of Backache / Back Pain
There are several risk factors related to Backache / back pain. These risk factors can make a person more prone to developing the Backache / Back Pain. Smoking is one of the major risk factors. People who are obese have higher stress production on the spine resulting in back ache. People who have history of injury or trauma to the lower back are prone to develop the pain.  Female gender is also at higher risk at having the backache. People who do strenuous physical work like construction workers tend to develop back pain.  People who sit a lot, are not active and have a sedentary lifestyle or jobs tend to develop back ache. Geriatric people or older age people are also prone to developing the pain. Work related hazards and stressful jobs also make a person prone to the back pain. Patients who have depression and anxiety have a higher risk factor of developing back pain.

Complications of Backache / Back Pain
There are a few complications associated with backache or back pain. These complications include experiencing a lack of movement and flexibility due to pain felt while moving. The development of numbness and weakness in the limbs is also a complication. Some people start feeling tired. Many people start having difficulty in doing their general work which effects their efficiency. 

Lab Investigations and diagnosis of Backache / Back Pain
The diagnosis of Backache / back pain is done by taking a complete history and doing a physical examination. Your doctor will inquire about a few things in your history. This these things are whether you have had any accident or injury in the past or recently. The doctor will inquire about your sleep routine. Are you able to sleep properly and in the right angle? The doctor will ask about what activity and what posture causes you pain. The doctor will also ask about any family member having similar backache and back pain like you. They will inquire about feeling numb, tingling sensation and pain felt in the back or legs. Also, they will check whether the pain is relieved in any posture. In the physical examination, the doctor will look for the signs of you having any nerve problems, they will check if some parts of spine are tender or not. The doctor will check your activity of walking and standing. The doctor will check for the sensation and strength of your muscles. They will also look for nerve irritation.  The doctor will also order tests including X-ray, blood test, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and Computed tomography (CT).

Treatment of Backache / Back Pain

Homeopathic treatment of Backache / Back Pain
Homeopathic treatment provides an efficient and safe way to relieve the symptoms. It can treat both acute and chronic conditions. The medication and remedies used are Aesc ulus, Arnica, Calcarea phosphorica, Kali carbonicum, Nux vomica, Natrum muriaticum and Sulphur. 

Acupuncture and acupressure treatment of Backache / Back Pain
In acupuncture treatments, electro stimulation is done to relieve the pain. The technique used is known as cupping. It creates suction. It balances the energy of the body. A technique known as moxibustion, in which heated needles with dried herb sticks are used to warm the acupuncture points, has also been known to prove beneficial. 

Psychotherapy and hypnotherapy treatment of Backache / Back pain
Psychotherapy helps in relieving the pain. It requires one on one interaction with the doctor. Hypnotherapy can be done, through which the patient can deal with their emotional problems. 

Conventional/Allopathic treatment of Backache / Back Pain
Painkillers are prescribed by the doctor. If the pain is chronic and severe, codeine can also be used. 

Surgical treatment of Backache / Back Pain
The last treatment option considered by the doctors. If there is severe pain the surgical procedures available are fusion surgery, partial removal of vertebra, partial removal of disk and disk replacement.

Dietary and herbal treatment of Backache / Back pain
You should not eat foods that are spicy or fried. Foods that are fatty should also not be eaten. Decrease the consumption of tea and coffee. Avoid foods that have sweetmeat, sugar and preserved foods. You should eat salads containing tomato, cabbage, cucumber and lettuce. Vegetables that are cooked lightly should be eaten. All fruits except banana are preferred. 

Other treatment of Backache / Back pain
Stop smoking and consuming tobacco. You can do hot fomentation and alternate sponging. You can also apply heat for relief. Exercising and being active will also, help. Keep your back straight and do not lift heavy objects. 

Precautions and prevention of Backache / Back Pain
In order to prevent the pain from occurring you should take some precautions into account. Exercise to improve the flexibility and to strengthen your back. Do not stand or sit for long durations of time. Wearing high heels should be avoided.  Do not bend, twist, or reach forward while lifting heavy objects. Sit in an upright position while working in office or work. You should have a good support for your back. Avoid smoking or better, stop smoking. Drive safely and be careful on the road to avoid road trauma.


Patient's Feedback

For Safe Natural Holistic Treatment, contact or visit:

Ethos Healthcare
T 12, Green Park Extension,
New Delhi, India.
Email :
Phone: +91-11-26164016, 46026700
Mobile / Whatsapp: +91-9810155920


Monday, April 2, 2018

Acupuncture for pain relief

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine and among the oldest healing practices in the world. People use acupuncture to relieve pain and treat certain health conditions. The methods of acupuncture are based on the belief that the body contains patterns of energy flow referred to as qi. The free flow of these energies ensures good health. Change in the free flow of this energy, such as stuckness, blockages, or imbalances, are believed to lead to pain, congestion and eventually disease conditions in the body. Needles are applied to specific acupuncture points and are believed to help correct and balance that flow. Acupuncture may be useful for many conditions.

Types of pain acupuncture pain management

•       Migraine headaches
•       Tension headaches
•       Chronic neck pain
•       Low back pain
•       Post surgical pain
•       Musculoskeletal pain
•       Peripheral joint soft tissue injury
•       Peripheral nerve neuralgia
•       postoperative dental pain
•       Pelvic Pain
•       Fibromyalgia
•       Myofascial pain
•       Menstrual cramps
•       Tennis elbow

 An acupuncturist puts needles into your body. Once the needles are in, they are not felt by the body, and often people fall into a calm restful state. The relaxation a patient feels alone is enough to relieve pain. It can balance and energize the body so that the circulation is consistent and efficient. It also helps in promoting the release of the body's natural pain killers. All kinds of conditions from low back pain to arthritis can be managed using acupuncture.

Benefits of Acupuncture pain management

•       It releases our body’s natural pain killers called endorphins
•       It relaxes the muscles and effectively decreases the tension and spasms which in turn reduces pain.
•       It controls the release of many different types of neurotransmitters which influence pain and swelling.
•       It increases circulation to injured area

Acupuncture is generally considered safe when performed by an experienced practitioner using sterile needles. The adverse effects are very, very low with a trained acupuncturist.


Patient's Feedback

For Safe Natural Holistic Treatment, contact or visit:

Ethos Healthcare
T 12, Green Park Extension,
New Delhi, India.
Email :
Phone: +91-11-26164016, 46026700
Mobile / Whatsapp: +91-9810155920
